List your Business | Improve SEO
This is your listing tool. Here, you get to build your business/offer. We reserve the right to not publish information that is offensive, dishonest, or misleading. We offer a free trial period for new listings. After a free trial of 7 days, $99 will be charged for a full year of online presence at TLS. To be removed from TLS email us at
What can you list?
For Sale by Owner
List any item of your property that you would like to sell online. It may include links to your own online store or business website.
Local Businesses
List your business online. It may include a physical location, social links, and your business website. We can help if you need your own fully customized webpage.
Employment Opportunities
List job opportunities available at your business. You may add contact information or a link to an online form for immediate results.
What do you get?
Social Media Linking
The Social Media links provided by you will be published and verified. Our directory is also posted on all our social channels available to thousands of followers.
One Webpage
You get an easy to read webpage that is accessible right away. No complicated formats to learn. Fill the form and activate your webpage. It cost less than 1 cent/day.
24/7 Monitoring
Our staff is always improving TLS Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to ensure maximum organic relevance. We promote and distribute our directory across the internet.
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